Most San Antonio homeowners don’t think about their garage door very often. However, the garage door is a vital part of your home and can greatly impact your property value. If you’re considering selling your home or want to make it look nicer, a new garage door is a great investment. Not only will it […]
Garage door dents happen. Whether it’s from your kiddo riding their bike in the driveway, or someone accidentally rolling the car into the door by mistake, almost no door remains pristine forever. If you or someone in your household accidentally bumped your garage door with your car and damaged one of the door panels to […]
It’s 2022, which means it’s officially time to stop living in the past. The brand-new generation of garage doors is reasonably priced, safe, and simple to install, and they are no longer a privilege for only a choose few. With all the new looks and features available, you really ought to think about replacing your garage […]
Nothing lasts forever, as the saying goes. That applies to everything in life: your job, your relationships, and your belongings. Your garage door is no exclusion to that rule and maintenance is crucial to the proper function of the door. While you won’t be able to keep things in pristine condition forever, a little regular […]
As a homeowner, you probably take pride in your San Antonio home. If you’re like most homeowners around town, you’ve lived in your home for several years. You’re not the first resident there, but you’ve made many upgrades to your home over the years – except for buying a new garage door opener. ‘It still […]
There are plenty of things that you have to consider when you are looking to shop for new garage doors and admittedly, not a lot of us have got the knowledge or the experience when it comes to shopping for a garage door. There are so many choices that it can overwhelm you and that […]
If you’re like most small business owners, you probably rarely give any thought to the security of your building’s doors. Unless there’s an issue you’re already aware of, it’s probably one of the last things on your mind as you run your business. In order to prevent a possible break-in, business owners should take the […]
Let’s face it – you’ve probably watched enough Criminal Minds and true crime shows to suddenly have some serious concerns about the safety of your garage door. Unfortunately, you’d be right to be worried about security with your wireless garage door opener and remote. A burglar can access your garage contents and even your house […]
When you own a house, there are a number of things that may need your attention at any given time; small repairs that need to be made around the house, such as fixing leaky faucets, remedying squeaky hinges, or patching up your paint job are constantly popping up. These minor repairs are well within the […]
Is your garage door old and in need of a repair? Maybe it’s a bit too noisy when it operates? This list of five reasons to replace your garage door can help you decide if a garage door replacement is right for you. Increase Your Home’s Value Are you getting ready to sell your home? […]